Sabtu, Mac 21, 2015

Meet me again, somewhere!

Before I realized it I became scared of getting hurt. Still as a flower bud, I'm always looking for a shining place tomorrow as well for sure. How far do I need to go so we can laugh together? Freedom, hope, dreams.. I wonder, are they as wonderful as I think? Are they glittering as much as I think? Holding the future inside this heart...
Assalamualaikum semua ^^ We meet again after 2 years. Yes, I'm still alive. But people move on so am I. These days I'm not into status updates because I'm basically focus on photos updating, in another word, yes, instagram. Saya, sebenanrnya kurang pandai berkata-kata, menulis bagai apatah lagi. I'm a person with less words. Sometimes it takes me twice, no, five times to think before talk. Yes, that's me. So if guys, miss me (in reality no I think haha) be please to visit me on my

Instagram: tendou_juka (active)
Tumblr: (less active)
Twitter: Rosniah

I maybe, will come again, to fill in my 'lost' diary here. Jaa. Mata ne, minna! :)

Terima Kasih! atas kesudian meluangkan masa membaca coretan saya. Jika tiada input menarik, moga ia menjadi hiburan sebuah coretan hidup \(^o^)/

Selasa, Mei 07, 2013

Tribute untuk Tuan Guru. We Love Tok Guru.


Hari ini dalam sejarah. Itu yg boleh saya kata.
Namanya: Dato' Bentara Setia Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.
Ini bukan berita baru, tapi saya ingatkan kembali.
Beliau adalah yang ke-42 dari 500 Muslim paling berpengaruh di dunia. 
Maaf, DS Najib is not in the list.

Today, 06052013 is his last day as a chief minister of Kelantan state.

Pemikiran dan ijtihad politik beliau ternyata memberi kesan yang besar kepada masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama Malaysia.
Rakyat Kelantan terhutang budi dengan kepimpinannya.
Pada tahun 2009, dianggap sebagai antara 50 pemimpin dunia Islam paling berpengaruh.
Dunia mengiktiraf beliau. Malaysia?

TGNA adalah insan pertama sebagai pemimpin yang mengadakan urustadbir kewangan Islamik.
TGNA adalah pemimpin pertama bebas segala aktiviti salah laku dan urustadbir paling baik walaupun dana disekat.
TGNA sanggup tidak ambil elauan gaji utk bayar hutang rakyat Kelantan yang dibuat oleh pemimpin parti Timbang Kilo. 
Dialah Ulama', pemimpin, murrabi, guru, pentadbir, pemikir mantik paling halus dalam dunia, sahabat dan pendoa di tengah malam di kala bumi Malaysia panas dengan maksiat dan rejaman fitnah media.
Halalkan ilmu yang pernah saya dengar, terima sama ada sengaja atau tidak sengaja.

Saya sebak dan menitiskan air mata saat beliau mengisytiharkan pengunduran beliau sebagai menteri besar Kelantan.
Syukran jazilan tuan guru atas jasamu.
Semoga Allah redha.
Semoga Allah redha.

  Terima Kasih! atas kesudian meluangkan masa membaca coretan saya. Jika tiada input menarik, moga ia menjadi hiburan sebuah coretan hidup \(^o^)/

Isnin, April 01, 2013

Sometimes...ordinary can becomes an extraordinary one.

sometimes loves bother you.
sometimes friends bother you.
sometimes you feel everything close to you bother your life.
disturbing. interfering.

sometimes you need loves.
sometimes you need friends.
sometimes you need everything to be as close as they should be.

i am a boring type of person.
i have no charm you can find.
a very normal one.
a sensitive person too.
someone who is easily get bored with something she do.
someone who is sometimes lazy sometimes not.
someone who is sometimes silence sometimes not.
a very ordinary one.

but still,
I am,
a person who wants to live.
a person who wants to love and to be loved.
a person who wants to have a nice job, nice cook, nice house, nice friends.
well, nice is subjective. it depends on how you think nice is.
I dream on to have a nice life. And you too. But think again.
We live in this world is not only to live, but to die.
because Allah created us.
A nice life must be on HIS way, Islamic way, in HIS bless.
I just keep that in mind.
Till we meet again \(^o^)/

The latest photo I snap at Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Kota Bharu.

It was on one of those mornings, common in early spring, when the year, fickle and changeable in its youth like all other created things, is undecided whether to step backward into winter or forward into summer.
  Terima Kasih! atas kesudian meluangkan masa membaca coretan saya. Jika tiada input menarik, moga ia menjadi hiburan sebuah coretan hidup \(^o^)/

Rabu, Februari 06, 2013

Gone not around any longer

when I was in middle school,
answered a question from a friend,
I will get married once I turned 26.
Just a quick answer and I never been serious on that matter.

I'm 25.
I don't find my man yet.
I have a thought of having a partner, once in while.
In a while, when a friend get married.
In a while, when a friend get a baby.
And, I never been serious on that matter.

질투, 당신은 바보
Just always this word kept in my mind. Allah knows best!
He knows me more than anyone else. More than you who read this.
Saya ada tanggungjawab lain yang perlu saya pikul sekarang.
My parent is my priority. 지금은!

Cappuccino is my best friend now. I'm a coffee lover, remember?

Jika rezekimu masih jauh juga

Sabar dan terimalah apa yang ada

Tidak perlu kau payah memburunya

Jika memang kebahagiaanmu, tentu akan datang juga

Terima Kasih! atas kesudian meluangkan masa membaca coretan saya. Jika tiada input menarik, moga ia menjadi hiburan sebuah coretan hidup \(^o^)/

Jumaat, November 30, 2012

kerana kita hamba

Allah tahu segala galanya walaupun doa kau bisu.
Allah dengar segala galanya walaupun kau tiada meminta.
Tak perlu meminta pun Allah sedia tahu apa yang kau mahu.
 Tapi kenapa kena meminta?

 Kerana itu tanda seorang hamba.. :)

the latest photo taken in KT, Masjid Kristal.
Terima Kasih! atas kesudian meluangkan masa membaca coretan saya. Jika tiada input menarik, moga ia menjadi hiburan sebuah coretan hidup \(^o^)/

Jumaat, Jun 29, 2012

Your mind is yours...

Your mind is yours... if you think so.

A status I've read just now on facebook, written as: "Missing the old day, a day that person love me, treat me well enough and do anything I want",
and it was wrote by a gentle-man, a man!

I think, not everyone can do anything you want. Not a single person can do anything you would like them to do, as you wish. It is so immature, so ashamed. In my thought, you don't deserve it man, if you think your partner will do anything you wish. Why? Because they have their own life.
But, do you think so?

Uhuk! Uhuk! (coughing)
We live as a khalifah, we can't depend totally on people besides us. I know that too and sometime I wish someone will lend their shoulder, for me to breath easily when I was in a difficult, too hard to stand by myself.
A free 'shoulder'? A free 'listener'?
Allah is always by our side. Allah is always, always.

And bear this in mind.
Just, bear in mind.

An old photo taken on 2008, my niece.

Terima Kasih! atas kesudian meluangkan masa membaca coretan saya. Jika tiada input menarik, moga ia menjadi hiburan sebuah coretan hidup \(^o^)/